Parish Council
Minutes for November 2001 meeting. The November meeting of the Ashill Parish Council was held on Tuesday 27th November in the Chance! Room at St Nicholas Church Ashill. Suzanne Hollingworth spoke on her work with the Wayland Partnership with special responsibility for the villages within the Wayland Area. The Wayland Partnership is looking for 20 volunteers to help with their work. The Chairman of the Council explained that it is hoped that Ashill may be able to obtain funding for a multi sports surface on the site of the existing tennis court and perhaps the Wayland Partnership would be able to be of help in this venture. Other items discussed included: Church Street - Two letters had been received from Norfolk Highways, but no firm decision has been made on the proposed work to the junction near the church. The letter stated that signs saying ‘No HGV’s’ will not be provided nor would it be possible to paint speed limits on the road, A Safety Audit is to be carried out and will hopefully be received in time for the January Meeting. Sports Area — The Chairman suggested an Open Meeting be arranged to discuss the provision of the mufti-sports area. At the meeting the Chairman attended regarding lottery funding it was stressed that the more people involved in applying for a grant the more likely it would be of being successful. Entrance to the Community Centre — A quote was accepted for installing the new gates and improving the entrance, it is hoped the work would be completed by the end of January. Millennium Committee — Mr Leighton informed the meeting that this committee had now been disbanded. The work on the pond was near completion with a few more bushes to be planted along the side of the road. Housing — Mr A Kettering and Mr J Spalding had attended the meeting at Hempnall on Affordable rural housing. Mr Ketteringham gave a report and said it had been a very interesting day. Police - A letter had been received from the Police referring to the provision of a Village constable. Mrs Gilt Ball the District council lor offered to make enquiries if it would be a more viable proposition if a Constable were appointed to cover the four villages within the Wissey ward with possible funding from the Countryside Agency. A letter had been received from a resident regarding speeding in the village. Jubillee Celebration - The Parish Council will not be organising a village event to celebrate the Jubilee. Precept — Following lengthy discussion a vote was taken to increase the Precept by £600 next year, this was carried by 6 votes to 1. Youth Council — Following the recent visit to the Ashill Parish Council by two representatives of the Youth Council a letter had been received notifying the Council of the forthcoming launch. It was noted that Ashill do not have a representative on the Youth Council. Planning Applications - Extension at 6 Church Street had been passed by Breckland, and the Parish Council had no objection to a proposed extension to the Bungalow at, The Well Christian Centre (formerly Ashill Garage) on the Swaffham Road. Swaffham Swimming Pool — The Clerk was asked to write to Breckland to express the council's disappointment that Breckland are not backing the proposal for a pool in Swafiham. Horses on the Common — It was reported to the meeting that horses are using the footpaths on the common, although horses are allowed on the common riders are requested to keep off the footpaths, especially during the wet weather. Car Park — The Common Car Park needs more hardcore Mr Kettenngham will deal with this, through the Ashill Trustees. Contact numbers for Council |
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