Parish Council


Minutes for October 2001 meeting.

The October meeting of the Ashlil Parish Council was held on Tuesday 23rd September 2001 in the Ashill Community Centre.

Highways - A water leak and potholes in Cressingham Road were reported. The meeting was informed the Walton Office of Highways is to close.

Play Equipment — It was agreed to get an estimate for providing a piece of equipment for the younger children. The council felt the resiting of the play equipment as requested at this year’s AGM was not a good idea and it was decided to keep it all together in the existing position. No reply had been received from Sport England regarding the possibilities of a grant for resurfacing the tennis court, and also for providing basketball nets etc.

Permission was given for a Football Club from the Swaffham area to use the playing field for their matches.

Footpath — it was agreed to contact Breckland Council with regard to the re-direction of a footpath within the parish which is still unresolved.

Village Housing — Mr Spalding and Mr Ketteringham will attend a seminar to be held by The Rural Housing Trust, in November at Hempnall, on affordable village housing.

BT — had contacted the council with regard to the Priority fault repair Scheme which is available to the chronically sick, anyone interested should contact BT on freephone 0800 800 150

Police — Mr R Wright had represented the council at the recently held meeting of the Norfolk Police held at Swaffham. Hr reported the main problem in the area is that there is just not enough police. it was also stated that when a crime is reported the public must be willing to give evidence if a charge is to be made. The Home watch liaison officer Mr Wolk said residents should ring 999 to report Crime and not Thetford Police station. Mr Ian Monson the County Councillor said he thought Ashill will soon be served by the Mobile Police Station which is to be provided in the Watton Area and suggested the Clerk should write requesting that Ashill be one of the villages it will visit.

The Parish Council will ask for a meeting with the Police in the near future. A call centre is to be set up at Kings Lynn to deaf with crime, but as yet the telephone number was unknown.

Allotments - rents had been collected and there are now four vacant plots.

Planning — Extensions to properties in Church Street, Fairholme Close and Watton Road were passed.

Road Sign — It had been requested that a sign pointing to the church be put near the school, but it was felt this was not necessary as it was obvious from the Church Street road sign.

Contact numbers for Council
Chairman: Richard Leighton 440639
Clerk: Jean Sangster 440383

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