Parish Council
Minutes for September 2001 meeting. The September meeting of the Ashill Parish Council was held on Tuesday 24th September 2001 in the Ashill Community Centre. Mr Geoff Saunders representing the Swaffham Swimming Pool Association addressed the meeting about the proposed pool Swaffham are hoping to build. Highways - A letter had been received from Highways concerning the problem of traffic in Church Street, it stated that a scheme will be presented by the end of November and hopefully any work would be carried out before the end of the financial year. With regard to a ban on HGV’s using Church Street Highways stated this was not an option. The district Councillor Mr Ian Monson as welt as the Parish Council Clerk wilt write again to Highways stressing the need for something to be done about HGV’s, such assupplying road signs saying unsuitable for HGV's. It was reported to the meeting that water was laying on Watton Road causing a traffic hazard, Highways to be informed. Playing Field - A complaint had been made about the way the playing field had been mown last time. The contractor had been contacted. Vandalism - long discussion took place regarding vandalism in and around the Community Centre by a small number of youths, especially following the recent visit of the Caravan Club. A letter is to be put out with the October issue of the village magazine ‘Ashlink' informing parents of the situation, and possible introduction of certain measures to kerb anti-social behaviour. The Clerk to write to the Chief Constable of Norfolk and Gillian Sheppard to inform them of the Councils concerns and request a higher police presence in the village. A letter of apologies will be sent to the Caravan Club. Tennis Court - Grants have been applied for to resurface the tennis court. Scarecrow Day and Flower Festival - The Chairman reported that the Scarecrow Day and Flower Festival had been a great success and the Millennium Committee will probably now be rounded up at Christmas. The village would be asked what they would like to do to mark the Queens Golden Jubilee. Footpaths - A map had been received showing the new footpaths. Goose Green Site - No decision could be made until after 2002. Breckland - The Parish Council is to write to~y they would like the local government boundaries to remain unchanged. Wayland Partnership - The project leader of the Wayland Partnership will address the October meeting. CAB - It was agreed to make a donation to the work of the local CAB Allotments - A letter of thanks was received from an allotment holder thanking the council for the work they had done to keep the ducks off the allotments this year. Speeding - Concern was expressed about the speeding of vehicles through the centre of the village, although the council did not think they could do anything about it, they have been trying for a number of years without success, the clerk will contact the police again. Contact numbers for Council |
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