Parish Council
Minutes for July 2001 meeting. The July meeting held on the 24th July in Ashill Community Centre was attended by seven members of the council, the new County Councillor Mr Ian Monson, the District Councillor Mrs Gifi Ball and four members of the Public. Mr Ian Monson introduced himself to the meeting and said he looked forward to good relations with the Council and would attend the meetings as regularly as possible. Two young people representing the Wayland Youth Council addressed the meeting to explain their aims and the setting up of a Steering group, which would include a representative, between;. the ages of 15-21, from the surrounding villages and Watton. Forms would be coming out during August when it is hoped each village will nominate at least one member and if necessary an election would be held. Mr BrianLloyd Chairman of the Ashill Youth Club said he would speak to the members and hopefully come up with a representative. Highways — a letter had been received saying the passing place in Dunnetts Close and the footpath in Watton Road would be investigated. Following the accident in Church Street involving a bus, Mr Monson said he would make enquiries on behalf of the Council as to the situation with regard to the traffic island which has been promised for calming the traffic near the junction by the church. Play Equipment — A new slat will be fitted to slide immediately and where required the slide will be welded. Tennis Court — One quote has been received but a second quote is still awaited Community Centre Entrance — Specifications had been sent out and quotes awaited. Millennium Committee — Work on the Pond cannot be completed until Highways have carried out the proposed work to the roadside. Footpaths — Following the Foot & Mouth outbreak all footpaths have now re-opened and any remaining closed notices should be reported to Norfolk County Council All dogs must be kept on leads on the footpaths. Goose Green Allotments — Planning Applications for this site will be discussed at the September meeting Village Map -A large Map is to be fitted to the wall of the Call-In. Household Waste Site — The Council felt the Ashill site was well run and kept very tidy. Mr Monson reported that the disposal of waste is to be reviewed by Norfolk County Council and there will be changes but at this stage he was unable to say what these would be. Dog Bins — The siting of the new bin is still under discussion. Telephone Service — BT has promised to look into the matter of the poor service that the village is experiencing at present. Policing of the Village — Following a break-in Mr Man Ketteringham brought to the Council’s attention the difficulties he had experienced, in contacting the police. Mr Monson said the Police were aware of this problem and they are trying to improve communications. There is to be a Mobile Police Station set up which will visit the Village on a regular basis Trees — Branches that have come off the trees near the school and are blocking the ditches will be removed. Planning Applications - Extension to Ashill School, Conservatory at 20 Lewis Close, and an illuminated sign at Brick Kiln Farm were discussed, the Council had no objections. Community Centre Hedge — it was agreed to cut the hedge and grass along the roadside at the entrance to the centre. Swaftham Swimming Pool - Mr Jeff Saunders will address the September meeting with regard to the situation regarding the building of a Swimming Pool at Swaffliam. Contact numbers for Council |
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