Parish Council
Minutes for June 2001 meeting. The June meeting took place on Tuesday 26th June in the Community Centre, attended by 8 members of the council, Mrs Gill Ball District Councillor, PC Bates and 1 member of public. P.C. Bates attended the meeting as the new Community Policeman for Ashill and following introducing himself to the council answered questions. He informed the meeting that there had only been two reported crimes in the last few months, these were a break-in at the school and a break in at a caravan at Brick Kiln Farm. It was also brought to the council’s attention that during the previous twenty-four hours one of the seats on the common had been completely destroyed by vandals. P.C. Bates then left the meeting. Other matters discussed included: Tennis Court - The weeds have been sprayed and it was agreed to get two grants for resurfacing the court. Community Centre Entrance — The new gates have been delivered and it was agreed to get quotes for tidying the entrance and erecting the new gates. Millennium Committee — A lottery grant has been promised for the pond area. Goose Green allotments — With regard to the re-development of this site a meeting will be arranged with a representative from Breckland Council. Household Waste Site — following another change to the conditions of using the site it is understood that vans etc are now able to use the site. Dog Bins - Another bin is to be requested which will be placed near the entrance to the common. Motor Bikes — A letter had been received from residents living near the Community Centre reporting Motor Bikes been ridden on the Playing Field this has been reported to the Police and the Parish Council have also been monitoring the situation. Watton Road — The owner to the Orchard has cut the hedge and it was decided to ask Highways whether a footpath could be provided for this stretch of the road. Planning - Permission for a conservatory style porch to the front of Ashvitle, Hale Road had been passed. The Ashill Parish Council has no objections to the erection of a Telecom Base Station near Bury’s Hall. In any other business — Concerns were expressed regarding the recently poor telephone service to the village the Clerk was asked to write to B.T. Eastern Electricity will be asked to tidy the area of the Electricity Sub station in Millfleld, and a water leak at The Limes will be reported to Anglian Water. Contact numbers for Council |
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