Parish Council
Minutes for April 2001 meeting. The Annual Parish Meeting took place on Tuesday 24th April in the Community Centre Ashill attended by a large number of parishioners, members of the council, Mrs Gill Ball District Councillor and Mrs Jan Godfrey representing the Wayland Partnership. Matters arising from last year’s minutes induded the traffic problem in Church Street. It is hoped some traffic calming measures will be put in place during 2002. Mrs Godfrey suggested that perhaps all the villages in the Wayland Partnership might get together on this and request a visit from Highways to one of their meetings. The Chairman of the council urged the public to write to Highways expressing their concerns. The Millennium projects have now been reduced to two the Pond Area and the extension to the Community Centre. The main fundraising event organised for this year is to be a Scarecrow Day to take place on the Weekend of September 22nd/23rd there is also to be a Flower Festival in St Nicholas Church. The Scout Hut on the village green is still being used for storage, but it is hoped as soon as alternative space can be found the building will be removed. Following last year’s meeting a letter was sent to the Education Authority regarding the situation at Ashill School and everyone is now pleased to hear that the school has a complete permanent staff and things are now moving forward. The Chairman gave his report in which he expressed his grateful thanks and condolences to the families of two parishioners who had close links with the council and had died during the past year, namely lan Forsyth and Robert Pickering. He thanked all the councillors, representatives and various officers for their work throughout the year, and informed the meeting that he had met with P.C. Bates the new village liaison police officer. Mr Alan Ketteringham Chairman of the School Governors read the report by Mrs A Conn, who was unable to attend. The Governors are confident that things will now move forward, a full Ofsted inspection will take place during 2002. Mrs Jan Godfrey on behalf of the Wayland Partnership gave her report. She welcomed Ashill to the partnership and explained what help would be made available to the whole of the Wayland Area. She informed the meeting that the Farmers Market would resume on May 5th following the suspension in the last two months due to the Foot and Mouth Outbreak. Mr Brian Wolk the Homewatch co-ordinator then gave his report. He gave apologies from P.C. Bates who was unable to attend and said that during the year since last July there had been 12 reported crimes in Ashill with 3 arrests. Ashill is now a member of the Breckland Homewatch Association. He made the public aware that as well as helping with Crime prevention the Homewatch Scheme can also help with such matters as Safety in the Home & Community. The Chairman of the Ashill Trustees Mr Richard Leighton gave his report and introduced the new trustees Mrs Margot Pickering and Rev Mike Howes the new Priest in Charge at St Nicholas Ashill. The Trustees accounts were presented and adopted. Mrs Enid Turner on behalf of the Ashill Village Aid thanked the Trustees for their support throughout the year. Discussion followed on three items of interest to the village, Play Equipment, Goose Green Allotment development and positioning of old village sign. One parent expressed her concern of where the play equipment was sited and suggested it might be better on the Village Green this wilt be looked at. With regard to the redevelopment of the allotment site The Chairman of the council stressed that it was the Councils responsibility to get the full market price for this piece of land. It is hoped that some way may be found to provide a sheltered housing complex if and when planning permission is granted for the land. The council to continue with their enquiries on this matter. It was agreed to place the Old Village Sign in the Call-in. Mrs Mary Cox thanked all members of the Parish Council for their work during the year especially for improvements to the village footpaths. The Chairman showed the newly produced village map to the meeting and said these would be for sale shortly. The April meeting of the Parish Council then followed. Most of the matters arising from the last meeting had been covered at the Annual Meeting. It was agreed to erect No Parking signs on the Tennis Court, the surface is now in need for resurfacing. The Clerk to write concerning the removal of the street -light near the pond that has not been replaced and a quote had been received for new lights in Millfield and Fairholme. A letter will be sent to Norfolk County Council regarding the recently introduced restrictions at the Waste Disposal Site, it is feared this will increase the amount of fly tipping in the surrounding countryside. It was reported to the meeting that a large amount of broken glass had been found on the tennis court also concern for Children playing in and around the pit near the playing field, parents are warned this could be dangerous. Two cars, whose occupants were acting suspiciously, had been seen on the car park of the Community Centre last Friday evening, the police were informed. Plans were passed for an extension at 50 Acacia Avenue and the development at Norfolk Grain Exporters. It was agreed to grant £300 to St Nicholas Church PCC towards the upkeep of the churchyard with a further £100 at the end of the season if required. A tree preservation order will be applied for, for the trees around The Green. Highways will be informed of the bad condition of the Pavement in Church Street. Contact numbers for Council |
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