Parish Council
Minutes for March 2001 meeting. At the March meeting of the Ashill Parish Council the following was discussed: Play Equipment - The swings have now been replaced and decision of replacing the equipment will be discussed following the AGM. Tennis Court - The net has now been replaced ready for the coming season. Millennium Committee - A Scarecrow Day is being arranged for the weekend 22nd/23rd September with the theme of Nursery Rhymes. Work on the village pond is progressing. Future Projects - Breckland council had requested a copy of the vifiage appraisal before any comments could be made with reference to redeveloping the Goose Green allotment site. Gates for the Community Centre - it was agreed to go ahead with new gates. These wifi be galvanised which will require less maintenance and will have a small gate for pedestrians. A definite decision on where the new gate wifi be sited and a quote to be obtained before the next meeting. Street Lighting - The street light removed from the edge of the pond will and it was noted that the Parish Council is now responsible for lights on Fir Park Consultation meeting on the Cabinet System at Breckland Council - had been attended by Mrs Pauline Hardy who reported back to the council. Wayland Partnership - a certificate had been received showing that Ashill is a member, permission is to be requested to hang it in the Community Centre. It was agreed to make a donation of £100 to the partnership. Mrs Enid Turner gave a report to the Council on the meeting held recently. Village Map - The Layout is now complete and it was agreed to order 300 copies. Annual Meeting - this is to be held on April 24th at 7.30 p.m. in the Community Centre, items to be discussed include the Play equipment, Goose Green allotments Development and siting of the old village sign. Scout Fete - a request had been received from the cub-scouts to change the date of the Fete to 8th July. Rural White Paper - Mr Cohn Pearson gave a report on the meeting held at Narborough in February. Parking in Church Street - this is again causing a traffic hazard. Community Centre Field - Mr Mark Knights informed the council that cars and motor cycles which were being driven on the playing field after dark were not in any way connected to the Ashill Youth Club. The Chairman said that the new community policeman P.C. Bates has been informed and will be monitoring the situation. Concern was al~o expressed about youngsters being a nuisance to users of the Community Centre. Planning Application - for a barn for Mr A Ketteringham was submitted with no objections. May Meeting - Change of Date - This wifi be held on the fifth Tuesday of month, 29th May. Contact numbers for Council |
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