Parish Council


Minutes for February 2001 meeting.

At the February meeting held on Tuesday 27th 6 members of the council were present.

Items discussed included:-
Highways — three letters had been received informing the council that the barriers on Fir Park would be erected shortly, lights on Fir Park are the responsibility of the Parish Council and that traffic calming work for Church Street would be inspected in the year 2001/2002. 

Play Equipment - the sand under the swings requires levelling. Rats had been seen near the equipment and Breckland Environmental Health Department would be informed. Seats on the swings for the younger children have now been replaced but the other swings are not so straight forward and these would be replaced as soon as possible. 

Tennis Court — The posts have now been replaced but the net needs attention before it could be erected. 

Community Centre Gates — the chairman is to get prices for new gates for the centre.

Street Lighting — a quote to replace street lighting on the Woodlands had been received, £186 per lamp. Quotes would be obtained for lamps on Fairholme and Milifield. 

Allotments — a mini digger will be hired to carryout the maintenance work on the allotment sites, the work to be carried out shortly.

Post Office - notification had been received that it is not possible for small rural post offices to hold forms such as car vehicle licensing and passport application forms due to cost. 

Car Scheme — It was agreed to donate £250 to the Ashill Car Scheme.

Holme Hale Council - had written to the Ashill council requesting their views on the planned re-development of the Norfolk Grain Site. It was felt that this would probably enhance the area as well as lessening the number of lorries coming through the village. The plans are for six quality houses with approximately half acre gardens.

Old Village Sign — a letter had been received from the AVA asking the council for permission to put up the old sign in the Call-in. It was decided to ask the village at the Council AGM for their views as to where it should be put. 

Planning Applications — two applications had been approved by Breckland.

Footpath Maps — these should be available shortly.

Contact numbers for Council
Chairman: Richard Leighton 440639
Clerk: Jean Sangster 440383

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