Parish Council


Minutes for January 2001 meeting.

8 members of the council Mrs Gill Ball District Councillor and one member of the public attended the January meeting held in the community centre.

Items. discussed included:
Highways - the ongoing problem with traffic in Church Street. Highways had written to say they are unable to attend Parish Council meetings, but if required would arrange a site meeting during the day. It was generally felt this would not serve any useful purpose but the Clerk would write and request confirmation of the programme of proposed work to be carried out next year.

Concern was expressed about the eroding of the edge of the green near the Post Office by car parking the meeting was informed that the Trustees were dealing with this in conjunction with Peddars Way Housing.

It was agreed the lighting in Fir Park was adequate.

Play equipment — the swings had been vandalised and the seats were now unusable. The Chairman asked to have -recorded that the council was disappointed about vandalism to the existing equipment when they were considering buying new equipment, and this wifi need to be considered very carefully. Playing field — -the trees around the tennis court are to be trimmed also the trees at the bottom of the field will be tidied.

Pond - The Millennium Committee are still continuing with the pond project but before any grants are received the number of ducks needs to be reduced. The public was again requested not to feed the ducks.

Future -projects — for the next financial year were discussed these included investigating applying for outline planning permission for the land behind Dacks shop. New gates and general tidying of the entrance to the Community Centre.

Allotments — there are still a few available for rent. 

Street Lighting — a quote is to be obtained for upgrading some of the lighting.

Post Office - Mrs Taylor had. informed the Chairman she had no objections to the council writing to enquire with regard to the Post Office holding forms for items such as passports etc. 

Scout Fete — the date of this has been changed to the 15th Juiy 2001.

Caravan Club - will be visiting the village in March and September 2001.

Rumble strips — a letter had been received by a concerned member of the public stating he felt these were not a very suitable method of traffic c~1ming as they are so noisy for nearby residents and can also cause accidents to cyclists.

Rural White Paper — a meeting is to be held on February 27th at Narborough Village Hall, Mr A Ketteringham and Mr C. Pearson are to attend to represent the Ashill Parish Council. Breckland Council — have informed the council that members of the public are now free to speak for three minutes at Brecklands Development meetings.

Grass cutting— the cost of cutting grass has been increased for this year due to the extended growing season resulting in more cuts required.

Planning applications — There were no objections for the extension to the Community Centre and for the application by Mr & Mrs Marshall. It was agreed the Parish Council would donate the fee for the application for the Community Centre.

Anglian Water - The clerk wifi write to congratulate Anglian Water on the efi~cient way they dealt with a recent water mains leak near the church.

Neighbourhood Watch — Mr Wolk the co-ordinator had sent his apologies as he was unable to attend the meeting. He pointed &t he is in regular contact with the newly appointed community policeman~

District Plan - Mrs Gill Ball informed the council that the Review of the District !la11~~ now taking place.

Contact numbers for Council
Chairman: Richard Leighton 440639
Clerk: Jean Sangster 440383

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