Parish Council
Minutes for November 2000 meeting. At the meeting held on 28th November 8 members of the council were present and 2 members of the public Highways - A letter had been received from highways concerning the cost of rumble strips with the possibility of installing some in the early spring of next year. Overhanging trees in Church Street will be attended to. The verge in Hate Road is very badly worn Highways to be informed. Play Equipment - The new swing-seats will be fitted shortly. Tennis Court - An estimate to reinstate the tennis net posts was accepted and work would be put in hand as soon as possible. Village Sign - Mr Alan Kettenngham reported to the meeting that sufficient donations had now been received to pay in full for the sign, the Trustees were just waiting for the grant from Breckland before settling the account. Village Appraisal - Mrs Enid Turner has offered to act as co-ordinator for the Parish Council with the Wayland Partnership. Parish Precept - It was agreed to raised the Parish Precept by £1,000. Allotments - Mr Spalding reported that the work would be carried out as soon as weather permitted. Churchyard Maintenance - The Parish Council voted to grant a further £100 towards the maintenance of the churchyard for this year. Cub Scout Fete 2001 - Permission was granted for the Cub Scouts to use the Playing Field for their fete next year. Police Liaison Meeting - Mr Robert Wright reported on the meeting he recently attended at the Eco-Tech Centre, Swaffham. Grants - The parish Council informed organisations in the village that there are grants available from the Rural Community Council. Planning Applications - an application had been received for a 4 bedroom house on the plot next to Beech Lodge, there were no objections. Breckland Council had made a site visit to a bungalow at the Limes which had applied for an extension. Any other Business - A complaint has been received by the council with regard to postal deliveries in Church Street the council will monitor this. Following a recent cut in electricity supply the general public should be made aware that if you are without power for more than 18 hours you may be entitled to compensation. Cars were still being parked on the side road across the Green. The Ashill Trustees have the matter in hand. Contact numbers for Council |
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