Parish Council
Minutes for October 2000 meeting. At the October meeting 7 members of the council were present, also Mrs Gill Ball District Councillor and 4 members of the public. The Vice-Chairman Mrs M Forsyth took the chair. Items discussed at the meeting included: Highways - Rumble strips similar to those at Holme Hale were not felt to be a very effective method of traffic caling. Letters had been received from Highways by the Parish Council and al8o residents of Church Street, but without any helpful information. The Clerk was requested to write to Mrs Rix the County Councillor and also to write again to Highways requesting them to attend one of the Parish Council meetings. Grass is growing over pavements in the village and a bather has been requested for the Fir Park end of the walkway. Play Equipment - Slats on the climbing frame have been replaced and plans received regarding the new play area for younger children. Tennis Court - It was agreed to attend to the net-posts as soon as possible. Millennium Committee projects - The Council had received a letter from the Secretary of the Millennium Corn mittee pointing out the bad condition of the roadway near to the pond which will need attention before any work can be carried out on the pond. Highways to be contacted. Village Sign - Mr Alan Ketteringham was thanked for all his hard work with regard to the new village sign. As the project was still £300 short on the cost of the project it was agreed that the Parish Council should donate £100 towards the fund. Village Appraisal - All those concerned with the production of this document were congratulated on the result. It was felt that the council should refer back to this to try and to meet with some of the suggestion. Concern was expressed about the number of houses in Dunnetts Close, which Peddars Way Housing is selling to tenants. These houses were originally thought to enable young families to rent housing within the village. Support Grant - Following the withdrawal by Breckland of this grant concern was expressed on how enough money will be found for paying for street lighting, Mrs Gill Ball District Councillor noted comments and will report to Breckland. Planning Applications - One had been received for an extension to a property in The Limes. Following site visits it was agreed to objected to the application, reason given being the type of extension is to intrusive. Beech Tree.- Breckland Council had given instructions for the tree in the Woodlands to be cut down as it was unsafe. Precept - This will be discussed at the November meeting. Posters will be displayed informing the general public. Community Centre Entrance - It was agreed this is very untidy and required a general tidy up and possibly new gates. B.T. The Clerk was asked to write to B.T., regarding the poor service the village is receiving. Contact numbers for Council |
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