Parish Council
Minutes for September 2000 meeting. At the meeting held on 26th September 8 members of the council were present. Items discussed included: Highways - A letter to be sent to highways asking how Play Equipment -2 child seats and 2 ordinary seats and shackles to be ordered and the big climbing frame to be repaired. Village Sign - The new Village Sign will be unveiled and dedicated on Saturday September 30th at 1.30 p.m. the day of the Village Appraisal Open Day to be held at the Community Centre during the afternoon. The old sign hopefully to be displayed in the Community Centre. Village Appraisal - This is now complete and a copy has been delivered to all households. The Chairman asked everybody to study the appraisal so that any concerns of the village needing to be considered by the council are addressed. Support Grant - Mr Leighton and Mr Spalding had attended the meeting at Saham with the Clerk of the Counci] and Mr Lloyd had attended the one held at Necton. Mr Leighton confirmed that the support from Breckland was to be withdrawn. At the meetings Breckland stated that due to new national rules they were no longer allowed to help Parish Councils financially with any of their regular outgoings i.e. lights, grass cutting, clerk’s salary etc. When Mr Leighton questioned Breckland’s officers, “As they no longer would be supporting Parish Councils would the money they levied from the Council Tax for this purpose not be taken”? They replied,” It would remain to be taken and put in a “Parish Pot” for all councils and any other organisation to bid for to help with any capital projects”. The District Council, if they agreed with a project could grant it 33%. Mr Leighton thought this grossly unfair and suggested, “without doubling the precept the council would not be able to deliver the standard of service currently supplied, put simply, either the precept is doubled or the lights are switched off’. It was thought a doubling of the precept would cost about £5 per household. Mr Leighton to write to E.D.P., Breckland, Mrs Sheppard, County Matters Minister etc., regarding what the council considered a far less fair way of distributing the Parish’s money. Allotment - Mr Spalding reported matter in hand to get hedge trimmed. Caravan Club - A letter had been received confirming the booking to hire the Community Centre and field. Trustees Land - It was confirmed that the land outside Holmere House is the property of the Trustees i.e. part of the Village Green. Trees - It was agreed to write to write to the District Council about the trees overhanging Church Street. Some householders were keeping these well trimmed while others were neglecting their public duty. A letter would be sent to Eastern Electricity asking them to trim trees around streetlights as it was felt this is part of their maintenance agreement. Sewers - A letter to be sent to Anglian Water regarding the smell from the sewers near the school. Contact numbers for Council |
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