Parish Council
Minutes for August 2000 meeting. At the meeting held on 22nd August al members of the council were present, and 17 members of the public. At the beginning of the meeting Mr Ashley Hart was Co-opted on to the council to fill the vacancy following the resignation of the Rev. A. Walker. The Chairman then opened the meeting to the public as residents of Church Street had been invited to attend to discuss the traffic problems in Church Street. The Police had also been invited but were unable to attend due to holidays, and also Highways who had been invited but had failed to acknowledge the invitation. Hildegard Andreyev who has lived in one of the cottages for the past ten years expressed her concerns regarding the parking problems especially with regard to clients using Ashill Tots. The present owner of Ashill Tots, Shona Elliott then put forward her comments. The Chairman of the Council Mr Richard Leighton informed the meeting that the Parish Council could not get involved with disputes between neighbours, but urged everyone to respect each others concerns. The Chairman then assured the meeting that the Parish Council had been in touch both with Police and Highways over a number of months requesting various ways to alleviate the problems, such as yellow lines, speed restrictions, various traffic calming etc. It has been agreed that in the year 2001 a traffic calming measure will be done at the entrance of Church Street, near to the church but this will not solve the problem with regard to parking. Lengthy discussions then followed and the Chairman suggested that All Church Street residents should write to Highways at the following address, Norfolk County Council, Planning and Transportation, Southern Area, High Street, Watton, 1P25 6AR marked for the attention of Mr B. Lee. The meeting then continued, items discussed included: Highways - A letter received from Highways, informed the council that the lay-by outside Ashill Tots is owned by Highways. Standing water in Hale Road and near Homestead Farm to be remedied. The Clerk was asked to write to Highways concerning the condition of the road and hedges at Low Common Road. Mr A. Ketteringham expressed his disappointment that Highways had not attended the meeting with regard to Church Street and all councillors endorsed this. Tennis Court The repairs to the net to be made after the school holidays. Street Lighting - With the redrawing of support by Breckland meetings have been arranged at Necton on the 7th September and Saham Toney on the 19th September to discuss the way forward, all councillors were urged to attend one or both of the meetings. The Clerk was asked to write to Gilliain Sheppard regarding this matter. Village Sign - The new Village Sign will be unveiled and dedicated on Saturday September 30th at 1.30 p.m. the day of the Village Appraisal Open Day to be held at the Community Centre during the afternoon. Village Appraisal — This is now at the printers and should be delivered to all households about the middle of September. Allotments - The Damage done by ducks is still causing problems. The neighbouring resident has now cut the hedge and once the ground has been levelled a fence will be erected along the back of the allotments. It was agreed to make no charge to Allotment Holders this year as compensation for the damage done by the ducks. Caravan Club - It was agreed to charge £2 per van per night for the proposed visit. Planning Applications - had been approved by Breckland, for a dwelling at Beech Lodge and Change of Use for Ashill Garage to Worship Centre. Electricity Cable - Trees around the electricity cable near the Post Office need cutting back. Eastern Electricity to be informed. Countryside Stewardship - It is hoped to obtain support for the maintenance of the common from Countryside Stewardship, and the Parish council propose to get a village map showing all footpaths. Contact numbers for Council |
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