Parish Council
Minutes for July 2000 meeting. At the July meeting 6 members of the council were present, also Mrs Gill Ball District Councillor and 2 members of the public. Items discussed at the meeting included: Highways The council had been informed that Highways were unable to put Zig Zags outside Ashill Tots. Weed spraying in the village has now been completed and Hale Road and the road near Homestead Farm are to be inspected. Play Equipment — Broken glass around the equipment is still a problem and the policeman will be keeping a watch on the area. The possibility of installing CCTV is to be explored. Tennis Court The weeds have now been sprayed and temporary repairs will be made to the net posts. A hole in the fencing had been inspected and the fence erectors would be contacted. Millennium Committee projects — The Chairman reported that there had been a poor turn out for the Ladies Choir Concert which was a pity as it was a very enjoyable evening. An Open Gardens Day, on the August 6th has been arranged with 15 gardens open to the public. Parking Problems - in Church Street are still unresolved especially near to Ashill Tots Nursery. It is hoped to organise a meeting with the Residents, Ashill Tots owner, Highways and Police at the beginning of the August Parish Council Meeting to be held at the Community Centre on August 22nd. Footpaths- have all been cut. Village Appraisal - will be distributed to all homes in the village shortly. A Grand Vifiage Afternoon is being organised for September 30th when all organisations in the village are invited to put on a display. Mobile Home - the Mobile home currently in Church Street is only temporary and following a visit by Breckland enforcement officer no planning permission is required. Planning - has been passed for a fence at Fir Park, a house at Beech Lodge, and a Worship Centre at Ashill Garage. Ducks on the Allotments a letter was read from an allotment holder on behalf of all the allotment holders with regard to the amount of damage being done by the ducks, asking the council for their help. The Chairman promised something would be done before next year. Any other Business - Work to be carried out on dangerous trees at the corner of Woodlands, and overhanging hedges at The Glebe and the Rectory need cutting back. Mr Alan Ketteringham was re-elected as the council’s representative on the Ashill Trustees. A Caravan Club has requested to visit Ashill in September 2001, fees to be investigated, but the council agreed the village should welcome the visit.
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