Parish Council
Minutes for June 2000 meeting. At the June meeting 7 members of the council were present, also Mrs Gill Ball District Councillor and 4 members of the public. Items discussed at the meeting included: Highways - Standing water in Hale Road and in-dents in Watton road were reported. Play Equipment - The condition of the swings was discussed and it was agreed to go ahead immediately with replacing the seats on two of the swings and to look into the possibility of obtaining funding for improvements to the remainder. Concern was expressed about broken glass around the equipment and parents are requested to tell their children of the dangers of having glass bottles on the site. The tennis court lines have now been repainted and the weeds wifi be sprayed during the next few days. Millennium Committee projects - Work on the pond has been started and it is proposed to spend in the region of £16,000 to enhance the whole area around the pond. Fund Raising events include a concert, by a Ladies Choir at the Community Centre on July 14th, and an Open Gardens Day, on the August 6th. Parking Problems - The parking problems in Church Street are still unresolved especially near to Ashill Tots Nursery. Parents are requested when dropping children at the Nursery that they do not block the road or access to houses. Rev Walker agreed to visit one of the householders and the Clerk will contact the Police to see what else can be done to improve road safety in this area. Footpaths on Mr David Rallis land have been re-instated. The Clerk informed the council that the County is responsible for keeping grass, weeds etc on footpaths cut back, but not crops. Village Appraisal - This is now nearly ready to be distributed to all homes in the village. Planning Applications - were received for a fence at Fir Park, a house at Beech Lodge, and for externally, illuminated signs, for Brick Kiln Farm Shop. There were no objections. Since the last meeting planning permission has been granted for a Store at, The Lodge, a store at Peddars View, and an extension at 19 Cressingham Road. Vacancy on council - following the resignation of the Rev A Walker, this vacancy will be advertised. Any other Business - It was reported that a concrete Gas marker near The Woodlands had been broken. The road sign where The Oaks becomes Acacia Avenue is only visible from one side therefore causing difficulties in finding addresses, it was agreed this needs repositioning. Enquiries to be made into whether a mobile home in Church Street has planning permission. As this was Rev Alan Walker’s last council meeting before his move to Gooderstone, the Chairman Mr Richard Leighton thanked him for his work during his time on the Council. Contact numbers for Council |
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