Parish Council
Minutes for May 2000 meeting. At the May meeting 6 members of the council were present, also Mrs Gill Ball District Councillor and 2 members of the public. The Chairman Mr R. Leighton, and the Vice Chairman Mrs M. Forsyth were re-elected to serve another year, along with the Planning Sub Committee, Mr R Leighton, Mr R Wright and Mr J Spalding. Ashill now has a new Police Liaison Officer P.C. Bates of Swaffham. He has been monitoring the traffic problem in Church Street and will be keeping an eye on the play equipment and playing field during the long school summer holidays. He will keep in contact with the Parish Council to assist with any problems that may arise. Other items discussed at the meeting included: Highways - The manhole on the footpath in Hale Road, reported at the last meeting will be attended to shortly, and flooding of Watton Road wifi be investigated. Play Equipment - More sand will be added under the swings and a new seat fitted to one swing. Grass around the equipment and around the tennis court will be cut. Millennium Conunittee Projects - An application to be made for a grant for the storage extension of the Community Centre. The work on the pond to start shortly, but any volunteer labour would be appreciated. Two ftmd raising events have are being arranged, a concert in July by a Ladies Choir and an Open Gardens Day. Skate Ramp - The Youth Club has now received a grant but need to find suitable storage for the ramp. Village Sign - It is hoped the new sign will be erected at the end of July. Vacancy on the Council - following the formal written resignation of the Rev A Walker, this vacancy will be advertised. Correspondence - a letter had been received from Gillian Sheppard regarding Policing in Rural Areas and also the new Norfolk Policing Plan. The senior inspector for this area will be Paul Ash. Breckland Council had sent a map showing play areas in the village, it was agreed to revise this to include the Common. Public questions - These included a statement by the Treasurer of the Home Watch Scheme, saying that a number of areas in the village were still not covered by a contact, among these were The Oaks, Fir Park, Hale Road, Dunnetts Close, and Fairholme Close. If anyone can help please contact Mr Wolk, 2 Millfield, tel 441006. The Car Park signs on the Common have been moved and also people are dumping garden waste and other rubbish on the common. The Chairman requested the public to inform the Ashill Trustees if they see any dumping taking place along with car numbers of offenders. The council were also asked if they could do anything about cars speeding through the village, cars parking on verges and rubbish especially in Hale Road. The chairman reported that they had tried to get traffic calming during the past year but with no success. Planning Applications - an application for Change of Use for Ashill Garage to a Worship Centre for the Cornerstone Building Trust. Reservations were expressed about the amount of traffic that may be using the site, but otherwise the council had no objection. Outline planning was agreed for a Bungalow and Garage in The Limes. Any other Business -The fence to keep ducks off the allotments has been partly erected. There are now vacant allotments anyone interested in having an allotment should contact John Spalding on 440347. The road surface in Church Street is in a bad state of repair, Highways to be informed. Low flying Hercules aircraft had been reported to the council the Clerk to write to those concerned. Contact numbers for Council |
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