Parish Council
Minutes for April 2000 meeting. On Tuesday April 24th the Annual Ashill Parish Meeting was held at the Community Centre Ashill. Matters arising from last year’s meeting included the ongoing discussions on the traffic problems in Church Street which hopefully will be dealt with during the year 2001. The Millennium Committee are still hoping to proceed with the three projects, with funding for improving the village pond promised providing a solution can be found to reduce the number of ducks on the pond. The Chairman and Parish Council were thanked for their efforts on behalf of the village concerning the Appeal held in January with regards to the proposed Worship Centre. During the year the council had met with the youth with regards to providing a skate ramp, it is understood that funding has now be found to provide a temporary ramp to be used on the existing car park on Youth Club Evenings. Concern was expressed about the lack of Police cover for the village and the Clerk was asked to write to Gillian Sheppard with a copy for the Chief Constable. The Chairman gave his report thanking members of the council for their support throughout the past year, also District Councillor Gill Ball, County Councillor Marian Rix, Alex Conn Council Representative on the board of School Governors and Jean Sangster Clerk He then outlined all the various projects the council had supported during the past year these included Village Appraisal, Homewatch Scheme, Millennium Fund, Youth Work, Appeal against Worship Centre, maintenance of Playing field, Street light, Condition of roads, Parking problems and helping with cost of maintenance of the Churchyard, Alex Conn as council representative on the School Governors gave her report on the school and was thanked by the Chairman for an excellent report. It was bought to the councils attention regarding the staffing problems being experienced at the school at present. Robert Pickering gave a report on the Ashill Welfare Charity Trustees and the Trustees accounts were presented by the Treasurer Mrs Ruth Seager. Among groups supported throughout the year were St John’s Ambulance Ashill Division for decorating their meeting hail and the AVA for the mini-bus used to bring the elderly to the Luncheon Club. Mr Pickering also pointed out that any maintenance to the village pond will be paid for by the Trustees. The Annual Accounts of Ashill Parish Council were presented and adopted. Other points raised included, the state of the Scout Hut on the Green which at present is being used as a store for Scouting equipment. It was agreed that if alternative storage space could be found then the hut will be disposed of: The untidy way in which Breckland had applied weedkiller around trees throughout the village was also brought to the council attention, the Clerk to write to Breckland. The annual meeting was closed and the April meeting of the Council followed immediately. Items discussed included, letters received from Highways saying the sandbags around the pond will be attended to, Church Street traffic calming to be added to the list of work for the year 200 1/2. Kerbing on the green not a viable proposition, the potholes outside the houses in Hale road to be filled but no kerb laid. Flooding in Watton Road is still a problem. The chairman reported on the successful Quiz Night held in aid of the Millennium Fund and said further fund raising events are planned for the coming year, hopefully to include an Open Gardens Day. He would be pleased to hear from anyone willing to open their garden. The Parish Council have now joined the Wayland Partnership and the Chairman will be attending the next meeting of the group. Parking fees in local market towns were discussed with the council in agreement that this could prove disastrous for small businesses in these towns. The resignation of the Rev Alan Walker from the Parish Council must be received in writing before the Casual Vacancy can be advertised. Planning Applications for extension to 19 Cressingham Road, The Lodge Ashill, and agriculture buildings for Mr A Ketteringham, there were no objections. In any other business matters discussed included possibilities of change of use for Ashill Garage to Worship Centre, as application not yet received it was decided not to discuss further until such application was made. Fencing around allotments still to be erected, state of footway near Dacks Shop and blocked ditch near Green, which is the responsibility of the Trustees. Contact numbers for Council |
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