Parish Council
Minutes for March 2000 meeting. At the March meeting all seven members of the council were present, also Mrs Ball the District
Councillor, and 4 members of the public. Highways - Following a site meeting with representatives from Highways, Mrs Forsyth reported that the junction at the church end of Church street is to be narrowed. This will hopefully restrict the speed of the traffic, the work to take place during 2001. It was agreed to contact the police again reference the parking problems and also to ask the bus company to write to highways and the police. A request to highways will be made to fill pot holes outside the council houses in Hale Road. Play Equipment - Mr Pearson and Mr Wright to carry out a survey before any decision is made. Street lighting - the light in Acacia Avenue had been repaired on 23rd March but it is stifi not working. Millennium beacon - it was agreed to ask the Trustees to take over the responsibility for the beacon. Postal Deliveries - A letter had been received from Royal Mail apologising for the problems with deliveries. Footpaths - two new footpaths have been opened in the Village from Hale Road to the Common and down to the disused railway at Holme Hale. The foot path on land belonging to the South Pickenham Estate had still not been reinstated, the Clerk to write and request this is carried out at the earliest opportunity. Planning Applications - A conservatory at Reeves Farm had been passed. Village of the Year - A decision to be made as whether or not to enter. Wayland Partnership - it was agreed by 7 to 1 that Ashill should join this group. Resignation - The Rev A Walker informed the council he wished to resign with effect from July 2000, the vacancy to be advertised. Bird Scarer - It was reported that a banger was causing a
nuisance at night within the Cressingham Road area, the Web-site - The meeting was informed Ashill now has a Web-site. Mr Wright to put details in Ashlink. Car Parking Charges - It was agreed to write to Breckland objecting to any proposed parking charges to be made in local market towns. Contact numbers for Council |
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