Ashill Woman's Institute

Ashill W.I. was formed in September 1960, and meets every third Tuesday at 7.30pm in Ashill Community Centre. The timetable includes a variety of talks and demonstrations given to our members. There are also fund raising events including Bingo's, cake stalls, coffee evenings and a monthly shopping trip to Norwich to support many local groups. Trips to places of local interest are also on the agenda, one of which is the Sandringham Flower Show.

The branch holds its annual birthday party in October to which guests and friends are invited. 

The W.I paid for the first village sign, which was replaced in 1999 with the W.I. holding a Bingo event to start the fund raising. The old sign, now it has been restored, is to be put on display in the Call-in.

old and new

The Ashill W.I. Also collects for the Swaffham Community Hospital and holds an annual carol Concert in aid of cancer Research. 

Ashill WI Members:-

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