


The P.T.A. of Ashill Primary School was formed at the end of 1972. Alan Walker had become the headteacher at the school in September of 1972 and during that first term had asked all parents of the children in the school what their feelings were on forming a Parent Teacher Association. Only one parent said that they felt that it was not a good idea — all the others were very keen to have a school

A meeting was held in the old village hall (which was on the land adjoining the school) and a committee was elected. Mr.Gerald Riedlinger,( who later became a school manager and chair of the school’s governing body) was elected as the chairman. Gerald and his late wife Barbara, who was also a committee member, had three children and lived in Orchard Close.

Mrs. Pat Firth, who had one child, and lived in Flint Cottage, Hale Road, became the secretary. Pat was married to Flt.Lt. Jim Firth who was an air traffic controller at R.A.F.Watton.

Alan Walker was treasurer and other founder members were Mrs.Margaret Wright of Fairholme Close, Mrs Robbie Fulcher, Hale Road, Mrs.Jan Thomas, Millfield, Mrs.MolIy Spalding, Lower Homestead Farm, and Mrs Sheila Manning, Orchard Close.

The first fund raising event was a Christmas Bingo which took place in the old village hail — the committee gave all the prizes and this raised enough money to provide the school with a new reading scheme. (Janet and John books.)

Many family social events were organised by the P.T.A. in the early years and these included social evenings, dances, Generation Game evening (copied from T.V.) and quizzes. A Summer sports and Gala day (now the Summer Fayre) an Autumn Fayre(now the Christmas Fayre ) and a Christmas bingo became regular yearly fund raising events. The first Sports and Gala day organised by the P.T.A. in June 1973 raised £94.

A mobile classroom was needed by the school in 1973. At first it was anticipated that the school would have to find money to help with the cost of this. The Glebe at Ashill had,in the early seventies, been purchased from the Luddington Family by a Mr.Saunders. For many years the village cricket team had played their matches on the Glebe paddock and there was a cricket pavilion there. When Mr Saunders moved into the Glebe he needed the paddock for his own use and so the cricketers had to find somewhere else to play. There was dispute over the ownership of the pavilion and what should happen to it. Later Mr Saunders was anxious to make things right within the village and offered the school money towards the cost of a mobile classroom. When the Education Committee agreed to provide, and fund, the mobile Mr Saunders offered to help with other school projects.

The need for a swimming pool was discussed. The P.T.A. had £250 which they put into a swimming pool fund. Mr.Saunders offered to make this up to £1,000. He later suggested that a more expensive, and permanent pool should be constructed and said that he was going to remove all his fruit trees in the autumn and offered the P.T.A. the proceeds of the entire crop towards the cost of a pool if they could organise fruit picking weekends. The P.T.A. accepted this very generous offer and during September and October of 1973 the committee, together with other parents, worked every weekend until the apples were picked and the orchard cleared.

The money raised was used towards the cost of the pool which was completed with self help from the P.T.A.committee and other parents over the next 3/4 years. All the work was carried out on a voluntary basis and once the pool was completed it was used regularly by the school children and many of the organisations within the village.

In 1974 the structure of the managing body (now school governors)of the school began to change and for the first time a parent, elected by other parents of children in the school, became a school manager. The P.T.A. organised the election and Mrs. Robbie Fulcher was chosen to become a school manager and served in this capacity until her children left the village school.

By 1997 there were 136 children on roll and the school had a second mobile classroom. The P.T.A.comrnittee continued to be very supportive of the school, not only helping with fund raising but helping in the classrooms, hearing children read and helping with craft activities.

Since the formation of the P.T.A.in 1972 the committee has played an active and vital part in the life of the school. During these years the committee members and the officers have changed many times but their enthusiasm and commitment to the school has never changed and their input to the school has been, and remains, invaluable.

Current Officers are:-

Chairman Helen Parker
Vice Chairman Nicky Babey
Treasurer Barbara Southgate
Secretary Catherine Bowes

Any enquiries to  01760 440935

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