(part of the Watton Group: Carbrooke, Ovington, Watton & Saham Toney)

The Revd Mike Howes     Priest in Charge of Ashill w. Saham Toney:
01760 440247. Email:

Our Parish Church welcomes you to its beautiful building and invites you to join the people of God in worship here.

We meet on Sundays at 9.30 am, the children have the ‘King’s Club’ in the Chancel Room to withdraw to for part of the time for their own worship and learning. Meeting and greeting after the service in the Chancel Room over coffee.

Our Service pattern is:

1st     Sunday Sung Communion
2nd    Sunday Morning Service from Common Worship
3rd    Sunday Sung Communion
4th    Sunday All Ages and Family Service
5th    Sundays Benefice Service in one of the five churches o the group

Study and Prayer Groups meet regularly and the Church encourages a lively social and outreach programme in the community.


There is a simple walk round guide to the church building available.

Parts of the structure are 13th Century as is the Font which has intriguing faces carved on it.

The admixture of Stone, flint and brick in the clerestory wall makes a strikingly colourful wall.

Some interesting 15th century rnediaeval glass is preserved in the north windows, 19th century glass by Lavers, Barraud Westlake in the Chancel.

The Roof is 17th century with twelve figures perhaps from an earlier roof.

Well worth noting is a fine ogee-headed west door with five orders of mouldings with a fine west window above.

Enjoy this fine village church with its atmosphere of prayer and peace reflecting God’s presence with us, and remember the work of today’s church as you appreciate the efforts of the past and present community to provide a place fitting for the church’s worship and work.



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